Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week Set to Galvanize Regional Climate Action

Today, the full agenda has been released for the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2018 (LACCW2018), which is being convened from 20–23 August in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The event – which lands three weeks ahead of both the Global Climate Action Summit in California and New York Climate Week – will be instrumental in demonstrating that there is genuine international support for stepping-up climate action by mobilizing actors across the Latin America & Caribbean region.

Canadian Company Partners to Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) Share Their Leadership Developing Climate Change Strategies

Canada, March 15, 2018 — Canadian companies, partners in the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, came together to share their past experiences and lessons learned around carbon pricing implementation in the The Role of Carbon Pricing in a Low-Carbon Transition report. Presenting a collective of companies from various sectors, the report includes best practices for the private sector making the transition to a low-carbon economy and some recommendations for the continued development of carbon policies in coming months.

Global Climate Action Summit Leader Anand Mahindra Issues New Climate Challenge to Corporations

Global Climate Action Summit Leader Anand Mahindra Issues  New Climate Challenge to Corporations

ECONOMISTS have long argued that the most efficient way to curb global warming is to put a price on the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause it. A total of 41 OECD and G20 governments have announced either a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade scheme, or both. Add state and local schemes, and they cover 15% of the world’s emissions, up from 4% in 2010. Voters concerned about climate change are egging them on. So, too, are corporate bosses. More firms are imposing such pricing on themselves, even in places where policymakers are dragging their feet.