COP24 Carbon Pricing Champion Award Winner: Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition Secretariat
COP24 Carbon Pricing Champion Award Winner – Week 2 | Originally posted by IETA & CMIA
Message from the CPLC Secretariat: The CPLC Secretariat is honored to receive the COP24 Carbon Pricing Champion Award. We would like to sincerely thank IETA & CMIA for presenting us with this award and for their support. We look forward to continuing to work with all partners to advance the carbon pricing agenda.
KATOWICE, 15 December – The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Climate Markets and Investment Association (CMIA) are delighted to present the Carbon Pricing Champion Award, sponsored by ALLCOT Group and CRX, to the Secretariat of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition.
IETA CEO Dirk Forrister presents the Carbon Pricing Champion award to Angela Churie Kallhauge, Head of the CPLC Secretariat.
The award was presented yesterday (December 14, 2018) evening to Angela Churie Kallhauge, Head of Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition Secretariat.
Our award salutes those who demonstrate true leadership by taking action and inspiring others to leverage the power of carbon pricing for the global good.
“We’re thrilled to recognise the work of the CPLC Secretariat in supporting those jurisdictions who are committed to putting a price on carbon,” said Dirk Forrister, CEO of IETA. “The CPLC team helps bring together business and governments, environmental NGOs and academics to build momentum for carbon pricing that works.”
“CPLC is a really important initiative,” said Margaret-Ann Splawn, Executive Director of CMIA. “The Secretariat’s accumulation of experience, data and knowledge is a valuable tool for the success of the Paris Agreement, as the CPLC expands the use of carbon pricing policies.”
Inaugurated in Paris in 2015, the CPLC groups 33 national and sub-national governments with more than 160 private sector companies and business groups dedicated to advancing the carbon pricing agenda.
IETA and CMIA would like to thank sponsors ALLCOT Group and Climate Resources Exchange for supporting the Carbon Pricing Champion Awards.
CPLC HLA Co-Chair and Minister of Environment and Climate Change for Canada, Catherine Mckenna speaks at the CPLC Leadership Dialogue on Carbon Pricing Revenues at COP 24.
CMIA and IETA launched the Carbon Pricing Champion Awards at the Paris COP in 2015. Over the last three years this award has recognised California, Ontario, Quebec, New Zealand, Chile and Colombia for their progress on market-based instruments to address climate change.
IETA is the voice of business on carbon markets around the world. Established in 1999, IETA’s members include global leaders in the electricity, oil/gas, cement, aluminium, chemical, mining, technology, standards, verification, broking, trading, legal, finance, accounting and consulting industries.
CMIA is a non profit trade association with the mission to stimulate a shift in the direction and scale of private and public financial flows into investments which are consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
ALLCOT develops, manages and trades in all sectors related with climate change mitigation. The company is a leader in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, management tools and strategies for businesses of all sizes.
CRX offers services in engineering consulting & carbon consulting. These include energy efficiency projects, carbon profiling, carbon offsets, sustainability reporting, renewables project origination and corporate social strategising.