Carbon Pricing Dashboard Update
Launched in May 2017, the Carbon Pricing Dashboard is an interactive online platform that provides up-to-date information on existing and emerging carbon pricing initiatives around the world.
Change in numbers as of February 1, 2019:
46 national jurisdictions and 28 subnational jurisdictions are putting a price on carbon.
57 carbon pricing initiatives are implemented or scheduled for implementation.
Some additional updates include:
Collaboration with ICAP: The World Bank is now collaborating with the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) to provide the latest data on carbon pricing initiatives across the globe. Learn more about ICAP on the Dashboard’s “About” page.
Interested in emerging initiatives? The updated Dashboard features information on emissions trading systems under consideration including initiatives in Chile, Colombia, Japan, Oregon, Turkey, Taiwan, Ukraine, Virginia, and Vietnam.
New Features: In addition to the raw data, viewers can now download graphs from the Dashboard’s Map and Data page. This includes the latest information on carbon price levels, GHG emissions coverage, and even the map itself.
The Dashboard builds on the data and analyses of the annual States and Trends of Carbon Pricing report. Users can navigate key statistics and information on carbon initiatives implemented or scheduled for implementation using interactive mapping.
Contact with questions, comments, or concerns.
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Carbon pricing is on the rise. Discover all 46 national jurisdictions and 28 subnational jurisdictions putting a #PriceOnCarbon:
There are now 57 carbon pricing initiatives, including 28 emissions trading systems and 29 carbon taxes, around the world. See the updated @Worldbank Carbon Pricing Dashboard for the full details:
Did you know the @Worldbank tracks the carbon pricing initiatives around the world? Check out the recently updated Carbon Pricing Dashboard for the latest on the 46 national jurisdictions and 28 subnational jurisdictions putting a #PriceOnCarbon.